Sunday, May 2, 2010

Villa Lanka and Gwazze Duty

A view of Wat Lanka from poolside

Nestled neatly in the shadow of Wat Lanka (a five hundred year old temple) is a restaurant and hotel named Villa Lanka. It features a beautiful swimming pool and open-air dining room in a lush tropical setting. I've been there three times in the first three weeks. (What's that tell you?)

The best thing about Villa Lanka is the pool. Because of the hotel, there seem always to be guests lounging poolside. But anyone can use the pool (as long as they spend at least five dollars on food or beverages.) That's why I go.

One of the beautiful tropical plants at Villa Lanka

On Sunday from my prime location poolside, I couldn't help feeling just a little more homesick than usual. I noticed an extended family enter the pool area and prepare to swim. Although I could not understand the Chinese words they were saying, I easily understood them because they were speaking my language: "grandparent." Chinese Granddad quickly changed into his swimsuit and was in the pool. The Chinese grandmother had Gwazze Duty. (Gwazze is what my grandchildren call my wife.) Gwazze Duty is poolside duty. It was crystal clear that the three year old bundle of excitement was not going to drown on her watch! Like grandmothers worldwide, she performed admirably. She chased him down. She made him stop running on the wet surface next to the pool. She encouraged him to jump in, and she even threw him to the waiting Granddad a few times. She smiled at him and clapped for him. She even dried him off when he was finished swimming. Gwazze Duty.

Gwaz, if you're out there (and I know you are), I was missing you today.

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