Friday, April 30, 2010

It Was Bound to Happen

Before I woke up on Friday, the electricity went out. It didn't take long for my room to become a sauna. I tried to think of it as the opportunity to sweat in the dark. I managed to get dressed thanks to the tiny flashlight I brought. (I guess the good folks at the Duke Travel Clinic know a thing or two.) I noticed the overcast sky as I left my room but had no clue that within minutes a mini monsoon would ensue. I tried to think of it as an opportunity to sweat in the rain. All I could think of was how wet I would be when I finally arrived at work. Ev suggested wearing gym shorts and a t-shirt and carrying my school clothes--another example of being smarter than the problem. (I am told that soon the rainy season will begin and to expect rain like this every day, sometimes all day. I'm trying to think of it as an opportunity...never mind.) To make matters worse, our regular driver, Savon was off for a few days. (His wife just delivered their first child, Clin.)

"The Grade 12's" (as they are called)

During first period, my room was used as the location for the senior class meeting, half of whom I've never met. Don't get me wrong, like all the kids at ISPP they are very well-behaved and very polite. But, this day was their last day. Think there was some excitement in the room? OK, so there I was chaperoning a bevy of super-charged teenagers, when what I really wanted was to lie down in an air-conditioned bedroom and sleep another two hours. My day started badly and didn't improve much as it continued; until...


...last period on Day Ten (Friday). That's when I teach 9B, which features some of the nicest children ever including Monika and Somaly--Giggle I and Giggle II. Teachers' dreams, both of them; they are smart, kind, and sweet young women who cannot help but brighten the days of everyone they meet.
After school there was a faculty meeting. (On a Friday? Hold on, this one was different.) The director gathered the staffs of both campuses (elementary and secondary) to share the findings of the evaluation teams which finished their work this week. Needless to say, the results were very positive. But like every administrator who ever tricked any staff into anything, Barry takes care of his people--there was great food, red wine, and (sorta) cold beer. Swear to god. (Does this guy know how to treat a staff or what?)

Did I mention it was Friday? After all that and a couple of tuk-tuk rides in the wildest, most congested traffic to date, I found my way to the FCC.

Oh yeah, I mentioned Savon's new son. Last week I asked Savon what he would name his new baby. He told me "Clin." Then he added, "My name is Ton. My son is Clin Ton, like the American president." Savon then asked, "Is OK Sir?"


  1. Maybe Savon's wife is named Ica. If so, tell them to name their next daughter Mon. Mr. Clinton will be very happy to know of his worldwide influence!

    Looks like you better buy a slicker.

  2. Great photos! keep 'em coming.

  3. Jay,

    Funniest thing I have read in a long time. I literally laughed out loud while reading your post for this day. Make sure this guy gets the cold, hard truth about Mr. Obama.
