Monday, May 10, 2010



I met Pop while I was eating at Chiang Mai, an excellent Thai restaurant on the riverfront. Pop is a street vendor. It's not unusual for street vendors to attempt to make contact in an effort to sell things like sunglasses or knitted hammocks. They work the riverfront, talking to pedestrians as they make their way from one end to the other. This day I was seated at the table closest to the front door, so it was no surprise that I should be approached by a half dozen entrepreneurs. Most of the time a simple shake of the head or a "No thank you" is enough to maintain a level of privacy; most of the time.

Enter Pop. Pop is a ten year old businessman who sells books and maps on the street. He approached my table and said, "You buy book." No thanks. "I have book. What book you want?" Listen Bud. I don't want a book. "Why?" What's your name? "Pop." Look here Pop, I don't want a book. "Map?" No. "DVD?" No. "CD?" Pop! No. I don't want anything. "Later." Later what? "Later you buy book." Pop, you're killin' me. I-do-not-want-a-book. "OK later." He started to walk away. Pop. He looked back. You want? I asked and held up a stick of pork satay. He shook his head no and kept walking.

Three minutes later he was back. Oh no not you again. "You buy me present." What? "You give me gift." What's your name? "I tell you Pop--P-O-P." Pop, I am not buying you a gift. "Why?" Why what? I'm not giving you a gift. "Later." Aw no don't start with the later again. "You give me one dollar." A dollar? Why in the world should I give you a dollar? I held up the satay stick again. He shook his head again. He walked away.

Three minutes later he was back. "OK mister I take." I handed him a satay stick and watched him join a boy about his size on the street. Pop I called. Tell him to come here. The other boy approached. I handed him a satay stick. He took it and walked away.

After I paid the bill I sat there watching Pop and his buddy eat and chit chat. He looked at me and I motioned for him to come back. I handed him a dollar. Tell your buddy to come over here. When he did I handed him a buck, too. "Thank you Mister." You're welcome I told him and off he ran.

As I collected my stuff and prepared to leave I saw Pop at a different table. All I heard was N-O I am not buying a book!

1 comment:

  1. Here you go...making me fall for you all over again.
