Sunday, May 9, 2010

On Mother's Day

On Friday December 24, 1999 I called my mother at home where she lived at the retirement home. When she didn't answer I just figured she was running around with her friends. It simply never occurred to me that she was gone. As much as any part of that day, I remember the phone message I left for her--knowing she would listen to it, call me back and make comment regarding my silliness.

"Mom," I said on the recording, "this is Jay. I'm calling to tell you that you better watch out. You better not cry and you better not pout. I'm telling you why, Mom. Santy Claus is comin' to town." I left it at that. She never called back. For me and my brother no Christmas passes easily.

Mother's Day brings a different response. I guess it's because in my life I have so many mothers: my wife, my mother-in-law, my daughter. Being so far from home makes me think of them and appreciate them just a little more. Mostly it makes me miss them.

I wonder what my mother would have thought about my current situation. Her initial response to my decision to come to Cambodia would have been a familiar one: You must have rocks in your head! A traveler at heart she would have envied the opportunity to experience the beauty and wonder of this place. She would have worried herself sick while I was gone. She would have had a good reason to learn how to use email. (I'm not at all sure how she would have liked climbing in and out of tuk-tuks.)

To all the mothers out there--Happy Mother's Day!

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