Monday, May 3, 2010

Seng Clinton

Yesterday the tuk-tuk driver, Savon drove Eveline, her girls (Sophie and Eva), and me to the hospital to see his new son, Seng Clinton. We met Savon's wife, Nak and mother-in-law. And we met baby Clinton.
Last week, in an effort to make conversation while waiting in the tuk-tuk I asked Savon what he intended to name his newborn baby. He explained that in honor of the American president, his son's name would be Clinton. I am certainly no fan of Bill Clinton, but it did make me think.

Here in Cambodia, half way around the world and as isolated from the American dream as they are from the American lifestyle, Savon and his wife want for their little son the same things every American parent wants. Perhaps by naming their son after the "great American President" (as Savon called him), Savon is symbolically giving Seng Clinton a better chance for prosperity. I guess it couldn't hurt.

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