Saturday, April 10, 2010

An Opportunity Not to be Missed

Long before the reality of my present situation became crystal clear, Jim and I traded emails in which the notion of visiting Cambodia was discussed. I even asked him if any long-term substitute positions were available. I think I used the expression "keep me in mind". It did and he did, too.

This opportunity wasn't the first time the idea arose. Last year (with very little notice) a position was discussed. I didn't have to think very long about it because the timing just wasn't right. I would have had very little time to get inoculations and I would have missed several family birthdays--lets just say it wasn't going to happen. But what did happen was I started thinking about the missed opportunity. I quietly talked myself into the belief that after all these years I still had what it takes to leave home for two months, travel half way around the world, and (as importantly) teach again.

I began my career in public education 34 years ago as a fifth grade teacher in the Baltimore County Public Schools. After serving 11 years in elementary school, six years in middle school as an English teacher, and 13 years as a high school administrator including nine as principal, I retired. Four years ago my wife and I moved to Wake Forest, NC to be closer to our daughter's family. Meanwhile I've been filling my time by reading, traveling, and holding several part-time jobs. After 17 years away from the classroom I do admit to being somewhat nervous about what lies ahead.

This time I had plenty of time to think about it before I accepted the position. Unlike the previous assignment, this one felt right. Plenty of lead time, plenty of time to prepare for the classes (thanks in large part to the teacher I am replacing), and plenty of time to convince myself that this was an opportunity not to be missed.

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